Error messages are used to indicate what is going wrong with the action that you are performing in Karify. Every error has its own significance. 

Below a few common error messages are described with suggestion on how to act. 

The invitation is invalid

The invitation that you have received is either withdrawn by the sender, or has already been used to create a Karify account.

Please contact your healthcare provider to request a new Karify invitation.

The confirmation link is invalid or has expired

The link could be wrong or incomplete. This can occur after you tried the paste it in the address bar of your browser. Please return to your e-mail from Karify and click on Confirm your e-mail address. If the error persists, please contact the Karify helpdesk.  

This value is already used

If you see this error while creating a new Karify account, a Karify account already exists on this email address. 

Please log in with your existing Karify credentials to accept the invitation. Forgot your password? Click the Forgot password link to reset your password. Or create a new Karify account with another email address.

Your current account doesn’t have the correct user type 

The account you are using is of a different user type than the one for which the invitation is intended. Your account is of the ‘client’ type but the invitation you are trying to accept is for a n employee. Please contact your healthcare provider to request a new Karify invitation.

Your current account already has a membership for this Healthspace

The account you are using already has a membership for this Healthspace. You can only join a Healthspace once. Choose Login to use the Healthspace with your existing Karify login details. If this problem persists, please contact the functional administrator of the Healthspace or the secretariat. 

Invalid credentials

If the login credentials are invalid, these is probably a (type) error in the email address or password.

Not sure about your password? Click the Forgot password link to reset your Karify password. 

Account is disabled

If you see this error, then your Karify account is deactivated. Please contact the Karify support if you want to reactivate your Karify account.

You can also choose to create a new Karify account with another email address, or delete your old Karify account. Please read this article for more information about deactivating or deleting your Karify account. 

Invalid verification code

The verification code for the two step verification is incorrect or expired.

The verification code is only valid for 30 minutes, and expires when you request a new verification code.

Check if you are using the most recent code or request a new verification code by logging in again. 

CSRF token is invalid

This error message appears if your browser can not correctly process certain information. 

Refresh the web page, or close your internet browser and reopen the page. 

Is the error message repeatedly shown? Please contact the Karify helpdesk. 

Something went wrong

Do you have a working internet connection? Please refresh the page. Do you still see this message when you tried to open this pag on a another device with a working internet connection? Please contact the Karify helpdesk.

500 server error

Something has gone wrong while processing your action on the server.

Please retry your action. Still getting the error? Please contact the Karify helpdesk. 

404 error

This error means that you are visiting a page that does not exist (anymore).

This can happen if you click a link in an expired email, or if the address of the web page is incorrect.

Try to approach the web page in another way, or contact the Karify helpdesk.